Achieving New Heights Through Loving Families

The Peak Treatment Foster Care

About Us

The Peak TFC program is a non-profit treatment foster care agency, which is regulated and certified by the Children Youth and Families Department.  We provide therapeutic foster care services to troubled children and adolescents with psychological and behavioral problems.

Our agency has served the children of Southeastern New Mexico since 1996, when we started under our former parent company Alliance Behavioral Health.

In 2004, Alliance was sold.  Our TFC agency is all that remains.  In February of 2015, CYFD requested our assistance in taking over TFC services in Clovis and Tucumcari.  Through hard work and teamwork, we accomplished this monumental task and welcomed staff, families, and clients transferring from Turquoise Health and Wellness. Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic had a devistating blow to foster are across the state.  We had a record number of foster families retire, and in July of 2023, we closed our Tucumcari and Clovis offices.

Our mission is to provide support to our clients through a system of trained parents, treatment coordinators, therapists, home developer, and clinical director.  To accomplish this mission in a way that produces quality results, we utilize outside resources such as teachers, school counselors, extended family members, doctors, psychiatrists, biological parents, CASA, the Guardian ad Litem, and CYFD.

Our agency follows the standards and regulations set forth by the State of New Mexico through the Licensing and Certification and Protective Services Division of CYFD.

We currently have full certification from both divisions of CYFD.

Over many years we have worked to build professional relationships with collaborative partners and referral sources in an effort to ultimately serve our clients with the best service possible.

We are highly regarded by our referral sources and collaborative partners as a leader in the field of treatment foster care, and we are proud of the reputation we have built and the service we provide.  Most importantly, we are honored to serve the children that come through our doors and consider it a privilege to make an investment in their lives.